Ben Nicholson 03

While creating the reliefs series, which are intermediate works between abstract and figurative, he promoted British contemporary art by participating in Unit One and Seven and Five Society. 

On the other hand, interesting are his still lifes, such as “goblet and two pears (1924)” and “apples and pears (1927)”. Of course, these works are influenced by Paul Cézanne and his father, but there is a similarity with Japanese painting.

1924 (goblet and two pears), – Collection Database (no date) Kettle’s Yard. Available at: (Accessed: 21 February 2022).
1927 (apples and pears), – Collection Database (no date) Kettle’s Yard. Available at: (Accessed: 21 February 2022).

Although later than Ben Nicholson’s, Kobayashi Kokei’s work (Kashi: 1936) is similar in its composition and use of blank space. Perhaps Nicholson also had something in common with the spirit of wabi-sabi and Zen. 

a_delp (no date) 東山魁夷: 年暮る、小林古径: 果子|色で読み解く日本画|山種美術館, クラシック音楽とアート. Available at: (Accessed: 21 February 2022).

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